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Make Valentine’s Day 2025 special for everyone
Valentine’s Day is the perfect time to make the people who matter most truly feel special. Shop at Vons for Valentine’s Day chocolate and flowers, as well as other candy and sweet treats. Prefer savory to sweet? Build a charcuterie board to remember with fruits, vegetables, cheese, meat and even pickles. It’s your holiday; Vons has plenty of Valentine’s Day treats waiting for you.
Since the holiday is all about celebrating, it’s the perfect time to go all in on making it a real day to remember. Grab the flowers, the wine, the cake and dinner all in the same place. What’s for dinner on Valentine’s Day? Anything that sounds delicious, from sizzling steaks and shrimp to lobster tails and even clams. If seafood isn’t your thing, you could consider chicken breasts, pork chops or a wide variety of vegetarian dishes for Valentine’s Day.
Valentine’s Day desserts are easy; head over to the bakery at Vons to pick up a custom Valentine’s Day cake or cookies decorated for this festive and sweet holiday. Warm cake with ice cream is a classic combo, but feel free to choose cheesecake, pies or even cupcakes.
Need to send something special for Valentine’s Day? Gift baskets are bound to make just about anyone feel special. Buy chocolate covered strawberries, flowers, cakes, Valentine’s Day dinner favorites and plenty of sweet treats at Vons today.