
Fast refills

Prescriptions portal

Pet medications

Specialty pharmacy

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  • See an up-to-date list of your prescriptions.
  • Set up reminders so you never miss a dose
  • Receive alerts when it's ready for pickup

Set up an online account

Easily refill prescriptions, monitor your order status, and set reminders.

Manage your family's accounts

Soon you'll be able to keep all your loved ones on one account to seamlessly order refills and track notifications.

Health & Wellness Blog

6 Smart Ways to Cut Back on Sodium

Foods to Avoid to Cut Back on Sodium

+ Offer valid until 12-31-2025 for new or transferred prescriptions, except OR where offer is only valid for new prescriptions. Customers who have not filled a prescription at any Albertsons Companies banner pharmacy in the last twelve (12) months can earn a coupon for twenty percent (20%) off your next single grocery purchase with a maximum groceries savings of fifteen dollars ($15) per coupon by transferring or filling a new prescription. Thereafter, receive an additional twenty percent (20%) off your next single grocery purchase ($15 maximum savings per coupon) for every five (5) prescription fills. The maximum number of coupons that may be earned by any customer in one year is five (5) coupons for a maximum grocery savings of $75. Customers are limited to receiving one coupon per transaction. Coupons must be redeemed within 30 days of issue and may not be combined with other offers. This offer excludes immunizations. Offer is limited to participating Albertsons, Carrs, Haggen, Lucky, Pavilions, Safeway, Shaw’s, Star Market, and Vons stores in the following states AK, AZ, CA, CO, HI, ID, MA, ME, MT, NE, NH, NM, NV, RI, SD, TX, UT, VT, WA. Offer discount (and any qualifying grocery purchase where discount is applied) excludes prescription items, prescription co-payments, alcohol, tobacco, fuel, fluid dairy (including dairy substitutes), bus/commuter passes, fishing/hunting licenses and tags, stamps, money orders/transfers, ski/amusement park/event/lottery tickets, phone/gift cards, regulatory fees (e.g. bottle deposits, bag fees), and taxes. Coupons have no monetary value. Copying and/or otherwise modifying coupons is prohibited. Coupons cannot be transferred, sold, or exchanged. We reserve the right to modify/cancel the offer or correct errors at any time.  Void where prohibited by law.