Do you enjoy a cup of tea in the morning with your breakfast? Find yourself reaching for an iced tea as an afternoon pick-me-up? Prefer to wind down in the evening with a hot, calming brew? Tea pods provide a quick, convenient way to prepare a delicious cup of tea at any time of day. At Vons, we have a selection of tea K cups in the varieties you know and love.
Tea pods, also known as K cups (because they're named after Keurig, one of the world's first coffee and tea pod producers) are popular because they can deliver a perfect cup of tea in seconds without the need to boil water or wait for a cup to heat up in the microwave. And whether you're looking for chamomile, English breakfast, peppermint or even chai, you'll find your favorite blends available in tea K pods from brands such as Tazo and Twinings of London.
Shop online or in-store at your local (displayable Banner) to stock up so you'll always have tea pods on hand.